The Telefónica Senior Citizens Group Association was founded in 1994 and is made up of almost 20,000 people, with a wide range of ages, mainly retired and pre-retired, although there is also room for active people, united by our common professional past, and it is even open to those who, in their relationship with the telephone workers, share the same goals. These ties and the feeling of belonging that is in the genes of our Association, make us a solid collective, with national reach, open to relations with other entities with similar objectives.
President : Santiago Gonzalez Carrero
Honorary President : Luis Alvarez Rodriguez
Vice President of the Organization : José Antonio López López
Secretary General: Alfonso Alejandro Loredo Machado
Vice President for Finance and Treasurer : José Manuel Rodríguez Herencias
Vocalist : Pedro Medina Gil
Vocalist : Encarnacion Gracia Arias
Member: Ana Mª Ortega Cuadrado